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How to update my Minecraft Server?

Minecraft Server Hosting

After updating your Minecraft Game, the connection to your Hosted Minecraft Server could not work. An error message would appear : "Outdated Server".


Minecraft Server Oudated Server


To resolve this issue, you must download the new version of your Minecraft Server from and replace the old Minecraft Server by the newer one. And for that, there are two solutions :


- The first solution is to use an SFTP client like FileZilla or WinSCP. After downloading your new Minecraft Server, you must connect to to your Hosted Minecraft Server via an SFTP Tunnel. And then upload your new Minecraft Server where is located the old one.


FileZilla Connection

FileZilla Connection


File Zilla Connected (/root)

FileZilla Connected


Minecraft Server Location (/root/minecraft_server)

Minecraft Server's folder


Then upload your new Minecraft Server where is located the old one.


Replace your old Minecraft Server

Minecraft Server location


- The second solution is to use an SSH connection, via the Linux console or Putty, to download your new Minecraft Server directly in your server by using "wget". For that, hit "cd minecraft_server"


Minecraft Server location


Then write



wget Solution

wget solution for Minecraft Server update


After that, you seize "minecraft" to start your Hosted Minecraft Server and it's done. Your Minecraft Server Hosting is now updated and your saved worlds will not be erased.


Order your Minecraft Server Hosting



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