
Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting

Web Hosting and Cloud hosting service providers at Cheap Price by World Cloud Hosting > Knowledgebase > About Everything > WordPress



WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) open source based on a MySQL database. Administrators use it for the management of their websites. WordPress won the price of best CMS Open Source 2009, category "overall".

WordPress is used for the content management of dynamic websites and blogs. It is a little bit complicated to understand all the fonctionnalities of this CMS, rich in options.

A CMS allows to:

-Multiple persons to shared data

-Accelerate the workflow

-Structure the content automatically

-Give roles to all the intervenant with access limitations

-Manage the comments

- ...

And there is so many other fonctionnalities.

All of these are also WordPress options. But it has spécificities like a respect of the web standards, it manage multiple theme with a rapid change of the website aspect, wordPress can manage all the media format (pictures, videos, sounds,...) and it can import content from other plateformes,...

As you can see, WordPress is a complete CMS, with high norms of quality. That's why World Cloud Hosting choose it between its softwares panel. We offers you this CMS (and many others) for all Web Hosting and VPS server bought from World Cloud Hosting.

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