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Which are the available Linux distributions ?

World Cloud Hosting offers 11 OS Linux Distributions :


CentOS 5.0, CentOS 6.0

The CentOS distribution is destined for server management. It is the most popular distribution for web servers.

Debian 5.0, Debian 6.0

Debian is recognized for its stability. It's the base of a huge number of Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Knopix...

Fedora 14, Fedora 15

Fedora is an derivative distribution of Linux RedHat, an another Linux distribution. Fedora is 100% based on free and open-source softwares.

Open Suse 11.4

Open S.u.S.E is a german Linux distribution which have devlopped graphical interface and it is very easy to use.

Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 11.04

Ubuntu is an Debian derivative distribution. It has the same proprieties than Debian, but it is easier, especially with apt-get command, to download and install applications.

Slackware 13.37

Slackware is one of the oldest Linux Distribution. It is characterized by its lightness and its speed in executing tasks.

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