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McMyAdmin Commands

McMyAdmin commands

The follow is a full list of commands for McMyAdmin. These commands can be used ingame:

  1. accept::Accept another users 'join' or 'request' command.
  2. addmember:(group) (user):Add a user to a specified group. Case sensitive!
  3. backupworld:[label]:Take a backup of the world with an optional label.
  4. ban:(user):Ban a user by their username.
  5. ban-ip:(ip):Ban a particular IP address.
  6. decline::Decline another users 'join' or 'request' command.
  7. delmember:(group) (user):Remove a user from a specified group. Case sensitive!
  8. delplayerdata:(user):Removes a players data file from the world, erasing their home position and inventory.
  9. deop:[user]:Remove a users operator status, or yourself if no name is given.
  10. give:(user) (item id) [quantity]:Give a named user an item.
  11. giveme:(item id/name) [quantity/multiplier]:Give yourself an item by name.
  12. giveto:(user) (item id/name) [quantity/multiplier]:Give someone else an item by name.
  13. goto:(user):Teleport yourself to a named user.
  14. help:[command]:Get a list of commands or help on a specific command.
  15. invite:(user):Invite a user to join you.
  16. join:(user):Request to join a user.
  17. kick:(user):Kick a user off the server (they can rejoin).
  18. lastseen:(user):Check when a user was last seen online.
  19. lookup:(item name):Look up the item number code by an approximate name.
  20. motd::Show the current message of the day.
  21. op:(user):Give a user operator status.
  22. opme::Give yourself operator status.
  23. pardon:(user):Remove a ban on a username.
  24. pardon-ip:(ip):Remove a ban on an IP address.
  25. ping::Check if the server is still alive.
  26. restart::Restart the minecraft server.
  27. save-all::Save the current state of the server.
  28. save-off::Disable level saving.
  29. save-on::Enable level saving.
  30. serverstats::Show server information.
  31. stop::Stop the minecraft server.
  32. summon:(user):Teleport another user to your location.
  33. time::Get the current server time.
  34. tp:(user) (user):Teleport the first user to the second user.
  35. userstats:(user):Show historical data for a given user.
  36. whois:(user):Show a users WHOIS information.



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